About Us

December 11th, 2011

My husband and I are both Emergency Medical Technicians. We are not actively practicing due to some issues (well I am pregnant, and there was something that happened to him and I that is very unfair in our county.) But, that'll have to come in a blog post.

I myself am in the Virginia Defense Force. It is a military volunteer group under the Virginia Dept. of Military Affairs (so is the National Guard.) We are unpaid for the most part so all of our time and our equipment comes from our own pockets. Once my pregnancy is over I will be returning to duty.

My husband has a daughter who for the blog we call Peanut and we have another one on the way who we call Jellybean. His daughter lives with her mom in West Virginia and we get her as often as possible. 

On top of that, we just got hitched! December 11th, 2011. It was a beautiful but is going to cost us a lot of debt that we're steadily working on paying back now!

We also have fur family. We have four cats, Oliver, Olivia, Simba, and Chipsy. Simba is the oldest of all the critters. And, we have a scaley family too! We have a ball python named Pharoh, bearded dragon named Spitfire (or Counselor), four crested geckos named Friday, Scotch Bonnet, Chili Pepper, and Strawberry. And, we also have a tarantula who for the moment is named Widow. In our room, we have over fifteen guppies too!

Joel, Ricky, Carlie, Mark, Me, My Mom, Joy, Kimberly, Christina
Beth, and Peanut (Ryleigh)

The fur babies!

Pharoh the Ball Python

More to come soon! I need to do a photoshoot for the animals I swear. :)