Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Our Baby Girl Passed Away

Oh boy has it been busy! And not a good busy. Christmas was actually miserable this year. My mother's cat (who I raised and she was my cat when I live with her) passed away due to undiagnosed Congestive Heart Failure. We didn't know until it was too late. $4500 later... no cat, good memories, and a very loved and missed pet, and a very, very sad Christmas eve and Christmas day. 

This is China Doll and myself. Not the best photograph but it does show the adorable little face of hers! We truly will miss this cat. She was a unique, dainty little lady. She was a very cute kitten too. I wish I could find all the photos I had of her. But, here are few others.

We will miss you dearly baby girl. Born April 4th, 2009, Passed December 24th 2011.